Pest Control professionals know it well: exchanging data with the customer is really important!

Byron offers a platform for sharing data, with a full and complete area reserved to your customers!

  1. Calendar of disinfestation and monitoring interventions
  2. Report on monitoring interventions carried out
  3. Countersigned operational report
  4. Technical and safety datasheet of used products
  5. Technical and safety datasheet of equipment installed
  6. Intervention procedures and alarm thresholds
  7. Site planimetry with control points positioning
  8. Possibility of Non-compliance closing in Customer Area
  9. Ticket opening and status checking in real time
  10. GPS positioning, Manholes and Geolocated Routes checking

All this is available online with separate login credentials both for every site and General Access for Company.Keep your customers always up to date, informed and satisfied!

Download the leaflet about Customer Area's strengths


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