Byron features a specific module conceived to meet the increasing needs of the pest control sector.

Customers require always more frequently to certify the route travelled during the pest control service.

With our system you just need to activate your operator's smartphone to make a map of all manholes or other points during the verification phase.

The system acquires a satellite coordinate for every point captured with just a button (direct, bluetooth or via cable connected to any type of Pump or Granule Shooter).

During the acquisition phase it is possible to add a photographic report to prove to the customer the conditions of the manhole: dirty, blocked, inaccessible etc.


For more advanced services it is possible to activate the sample taking module that, by crossing the data collected before and after the treatment, it is a very helpful tool for counting larval stages (pupa, I stage, II stage, III stage), common or tiger mosquitos etc., checking their reduction and as a consequence the efficacy of your interventions. For a high professional level work!


A specific area reserved to the customer can be activated on demand to check the operations carried out. All this available in ByronWeb!

It is possible to integrate the map directly on the customer site.


ByronWeb creates all the documents requested by public bodies during a tender

and compatible with interface system for reading: Standard Google and and wgs 84 / utm zone 32n format, as well as all the documents in compliance with the ministerial decree about the integrated National Plan on virus surveillance and response (West Nile and Usutu โ€“ 2019).



ByronWeb is the first ISO 27001 certified Italian software. With this certification you can gain up to 10 scores more in public competitive bidding processes or rank higher in private commissions.

The software allows to meet every need with a very low management cost. You can also use the efficacy and quality control with the picking module for larval stages counting. Offer a high level service, your company deserves the BEST!

What are you waiting for?


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