Perchè scegliere una piattaforma gestita da un’azienda certificata ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 27017 e ISO/IEC 27018 ?
UNI EN ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 27017 and ISO/IEC 27018 are international certifications that detail all the standards for establishing and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
E’ un insieme di politiche, procedure, processi e sistemi che gestiscono i rischi relativi al trattamento e alla memorizzazione delle informazioni, quali ad esempio: gli attacchi informatici, le violazioni, la perdita o il furto dei dati.
La UNI EN ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 27017 e ISO/IEC 27018 garantiscono che l’azienda produttrice del software ha progettato e implementato le best practice per la sicurezza delle informazioni e dei dati gestiti.
The certificate proves how data are managed according to the security best practices. questo porterà al miglio ramento dei rapporti lavorativi con i clienti attuali, ma, sopratutto, a un importante vantaggio sulla concorrenza.
Avoiding fines and losses associated with data violation
Avoiding fines and losses associated with data violation means improving your professional reputation with customers and partners.
Cyber attacks and serious data losses
Cyber attacks are increasing day after day both in volume and intensity and the damage to the image caused by a low security level in processing data can lead to disastrous consequences for the company.
UNI EN ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 27017 and ISO/IEC 27018 protect your company from such risks.
Being compliant with Quality and Regulation standards
The standard is conceived to ensure a safe workflow in compliance with the quality and regulation standards,
as well as the compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Tender notices, contracts, public administration and certified private companies
The request by public and private customers for protection and security in data processing and storing mode has rapidly increased in the recent years.
The possession of ISO 27001 is increasingly demanded expecially for some tender notice issued by the public administration or some big certified private companies. As a consequence the data manager must offer certain guarantees on how data are processed and managed.
Sometimes and always more frequently, the ISO 27001 certification not only does ensure higher scores in contracts and tender notices but it is also a necessary requirement for participation.